Effects of oily food on men’s health

Oily food, whenever you think of it, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? That it is bad for your health, right? And there is no doubt that oily food items are not good for the health of a man.

However, this age-old fact seems to be not 100% true. There is a good part about them as well. It’s all about the type of oil that you are having in your food or while making your dishes.

In this article, we are going to tell you about the effects of bad oil food items. We are also going to give you an idea of your cooking oil and how to select the best one.

Having oily foods? Do you know the risks to your health?

Taking food items made with too much oil isn’t a good idea for men’s health. You see, not only do oily food items take a long time to digest but it also makes you prone to different health issues.

As per the report, snacking and other oily food options are one of the big issues why young and old suffer from a variety of health problems. Studies have also gone on to show that oily food items may risk sex issues in men and cause problems with getting a hard erection. For such an issue you may have to depend on using Vidalista 60 and other pills to get hard.

Rise in cholesterol:

Choice of high-oil foods risks you to high cholesterol. If your choice of oil is bad, it increases your bad LDL cholesterol levels, and this is exactly what you need to avoid.

Issues with high cholesterol

A rise in bad cholesterol risks you to

Obesity which is common to around 80% of men with oily food choice

Risk of a heart disorder where a study in the US shows that such men can have up to 90% risk of dying because of a heart issue.

Types of heart disorders due to oily food

  •       Coronary artery disease
  •       Heart failure
  •       Stroke
  •       Heart attack
  •       Congenital heart disease

Digestive issues

As we told you above, oily food items with trans fats in them take a long time to digest. You must have seen how taking rich spicy and oily curries causes diarrhea just the next day right? And in case men start taking such oily food items regularly, the issue becomes severe and permanent.

Issues within the gastric track

  •       Indigestion
  •       Heartburn
  •       Diarrhea
  •       Constipation
  •       Bloating


Breakdown of oil increases carbs and this helps raise your blood glucose levels. In men, this issue over the long term can easily lead to diabetes. As per the US Department of Diabetic Health, high blood sugar and diabetes go as far as affecting 40% of people above the age of 40 in the US alone.

Not just this, having diabetes, your health can have more problems. One such study shows how it can create a problem in your sexual life when you start having problems with your erection. It can cause problems like ED where men need to use Cenforce 100.

Risks to your mind

Not only are oily food items bad for your physical health, but they can damage your mind as well. A study shows that taking oily food creates a sort of addiction to it which can result in stress and anxiety.

Such mental health issues become very severe in men over the years due to age. With stress and anxiety, your sex life soon goes out of track, and you start having problems with your erection. Health studies in men show that it can cause hard erection problems, so men need to use Fildena 100. Stress ED as per a new report, is common to at least 50% of men below the age of 30.

Acne and pimples due to an oily diet

One of the more common issues because of an oily diet is the growth of pimples and acne on your face. You must have seen how a few days of rich and oily diet causes pimples that really hurt your face and spread fast.

You see, science has a very simple explanation to it. Since your oil intake is too high and it is not digested entirely, the sebum glands in your face start to secrete more oil which is why acne and pimples grow.

To find out a good remedy, just change your diet for 2 weeks and see the results. In most cases, your acne and pimples will go away on their own even without needing medication.

Oily foods to avoid:

Deep-fried foods like

  •       French fries
  •       Chips
  •       Fish fry

Food items that contain high oil

  •       Red meat
  •       Eggs
  •       Cheese
  •       Processed meat

Dairy products

  •       Full-fat milk
  •       Mayonnaise
  •       Butter
  •       Ghee
  •       Sour cream

Fast foods

  •       Burgers
  •       Pizzas
  •       Patties

Baked goods

  •       Cakes
  •       Pastries
  •       Muffins

The role of oil in cooking your daily recipes

The role of choosing healthy oil is critical. You see making your daily dishes using healthy oil helps avoid most of the risks as given above. Taking a healthy choice of oil can help reduce bad cholesterol and help your heart.

Give up these oils.

  •       Refined oil
  •       Palm oil
  •       Peanut oil
  •       Flaxseed oil
  •       Mustard oil

Healthy oil choices

  •       Avocado oil
  •       Olive oil which is by far the best choice of oil you can have.
  •       Sunflower oil

Who is at risk of having oily foods?

There is no doubt in saying that a few patients may be at more risk of taking oily food items. People who are already having signs of chest pain that show a heart disorder might be present, people already with high BP, men who have gone through heart surgery, men with kidney disorders, kidney failure, liver issues like hepatitis or fatty liver, and jaundice are at severe risk.

Final thoughts

So, as you can see in this article we have mentioned the effects of oily food items on your health. Take a look at the food items we have asked you to avoid and maintain it. Powpills is the best online portal to buy medicines for a range of health issues because of taking oily food items. 


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